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High Speed Document Scanning:The latest scanning technologies are Dual-Channel and Autocolor scanning. Dual-Channel, allows the device to capture monochrome and color/grayscale simultaneously. Autocolor allows device to detect color content forcing the page to be captured in color based on a user defined threshold. This allows our staff to capture very faint data, signatures and originals with pertinent color content in color dynamically. By utilizing these technologies we are able to guarantee complete data caputure without rescanning. All of the scanners have barcode recognition for document and batch separation, some have color and flatbed capabilities. We maintain fourteen document scanners from Bell & Howell Panasonic and Fujitsu and apply the type of scanner appropriate for the job specifications.

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Microfilm Scanning 16mm/35mm:Our Nextscan Microfilm Scanner is the best in the industry at capturing 100% of the image frame. The unit is able to capture both monochrome and grayscale imagery simultaneously for maximum data capture. Since the cost of storage is under $1 per/Gb many of our customers are capturing and publishing both formats. Those with limited server capacity are publishing the monochrome format and archiving the grayscale on DVD. By capturing in grayscale our customers can feel confident that they have captured every bit of data from their microfilm.

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Microfilm, Microfiche and Aperture Card Scanning 16mm/35mm:Our Nextscan Flexscan Scanner is coupled with Nextstar Ribbon Scanning Technology to virutally eliminate rescanns and guarantee that each frame is captured as legible as the film. The FlexScan 3 in 1 scanner is designed to offer a complete package for users with rollfilm, microfiche and aperture card scanning requirements. Scan rollfilm up to 220 pages per minute or microfiche up to 125 pages per minute, grayscale or bitonal at the same output speed. Scanned images are sharper with better edge definition because nextScan uses fiberoptics in FlexScan for its light source, eliminating hot spots and uneven lighting. In 2012 we were one of the first service bureause to implement nextScans Batch Feeder assemblys on our units. This allows us to load up to 50 fiche in each unit for processing.

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Microfiche Scanning 16mm/35mm/105mm:Our DRS fiche scanner is the only Commercially availalbe scanner of its type in the US. The optics and auto-load fiche transport system makes it superior to every other fiche scanner in the industry. DRS has succesfully navigated the problem with static electricity buildup that has plagued the industry for years. Everyting that touches the fiche is made of wood. The unit can successfully transport thousands of fiche without jamming and the optics produce grayscale images that guarantee complete capture. Other units in the industry offer grayscale but dont have the necessary optics to capture poor quality originals.

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Robotic Book Scanning: The Kirtas Unit does an outstanding job of efficiently capturing bound books in an automated fashion. The robotics, mechanics and cameras are the best in the industry. In production these units are run in attended mode where an operator supervises and takes corrective action immediately for any potential pagination errors.

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Bound Book Scanning:For book scanning where a top platten is necessary, we utilize an Atiz DIY Model B, digital planetary camera system. The Model B unit is paired with two Cannon 5D Mark II Digital SLR Cameras and has an extra large capture area of 15.5" x 24". This is a face up book scanner with a V-Shaped auto-centering cradel and glass platten. This is a mobile unit and can easily be placed on site with our trained operators.

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Aperture Card Scanning:We utilize a Wicks and Wilson C-250 card Scanner. This is an production level autofeed unit and one of the only units that captures holerith data (card punch data). We also have Fiche Carriers for our Flexscan units when card scanning on these units in more applicable.

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High Accuracy Flatbed Scanning: Perfect Image, Inc. has commissioned and certified a Kongsberg FBIII, precision flat-bed scanner capable of scanning drawings 43 inches wide by unlimited length. This scanner is a large tilt-bed table scanner capable of scanning flat parts (i.e., maps, sheet metal parts, packaging...) and drawings to a precision of +/- .002 inches across the entire length of the drawing or part. Monochrome, 24 BIT color, and 8 BIT grayscale images can be created up to 1200 DPI. Perfect Image, Inc. is one of two companies in the world to own and operate this scanner.

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Large Format Scanning: Perfect Image, Inc. is able to capture both small format documents and large engineering type drawings into a variety of raster formats. Perfect Image, Inc. utilizes roll feed scanners capable of scanning drawings up to 50 inches wide with unlimited length. These scanners are operated by Perfect Image, Inc. trained staff and can be utilized at Perfect Image's facility or placed at the customer's location. We maintain one Ideal 50" Magnum Color Scanner, an Ideal Cougar Color 25" and three Monochrome Ideal FSS8300.

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Photo Drum Film Scanning:Our Hasselblad Flextight 949 and our recently acquired X5 are the best technology on the market for producing color accurate, high resolution color imagery from film and reflective material up to 4.7"x6.7". While a full drum scan on our Heildelberg is better quality, the Flextight is more economical as the scan time is twice as fast and loading the film takes only a few seconds compared to minutes on a full drum scan. Our flextight can scan up to 8000dpi optical. We have the slide feeder and the batch feeder options for our unit which allow us to batch up to 50 slides or 10 holders. Each holder can have 6 frames of 35, two 120 frames or one 4x5 for example.

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Photographic Slide Scanning: Our Slide Snap Pro is custom designed by the manufacturer to accept the Canon 5D Mark II cameras from our book scanners. We are able to scan very high resolution 35mm slides at rates up to 30 frames per minute. This device is one of the most economical solutions for batch slide film scanning. We worked with the manufacturer to design custom batch separator slides and we can ship empty carousels to customers to reduce the scan cost. This unit will create high quality web imagery and print images for photo quality prints exceeding 5x7 print size.

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High Resolution Large Format Drum Scanning:Heidelberg/Lineotype-Hell S3400. This is one of the highest quality devices for film and print scanning anywhere. Up to 18000dpi full color scans for original film and reflective material up to 17"x22". This unit is commonly used to scan medium and large format film for publication as full page spreads in magazines or on billboards.

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Slide and Strip Film Scanning:We utilize a Nikon Coolscan LS-2000. This unit is equipmet for automatic 35mm strip film feeding up to six frame and has a autoloader for up to 50 slides. The unit is equiped with Digitl ICE technology for removal scratches and dust on the film. The unit is capable of scanning up to 2700ppi.

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Slide and Strip Film Scanning:Nortisu Minilab. This unit is one of the most efficient units for generating photo quality images for reprinting. The unit has modules for both strip film and single slides. The images are high quality and are perfect for web distribution and printing up to 5x7 with no pixelization. This is the same unit used at the big box stores. Higher resolution units are listed below and are more appropriate for 8x10 up to poster size or for archival preservation.

16mm, 35mm Film, Microfiche and Aperture Card Output : Perfect Image, Inc. is able to output any captured or customer imagery to film for 300 to 500 year preservation. Our Archive writer will suppport 16mm monochrome output. Grayscale, Color and 35mm film is output using an Electron Beam Recorder along with Aperture Card and Microfiche or COM Fiche. Electron Beam recording is by far the best solution for accurate and long term preservation of challenging source documents.

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Questions or comments? Email or call (425) 576-0989.
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